Recreate 7-mode snapshot policies on CDoT

by John C. Wray III Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:08 AM

I was replicating the old policies.

Here were the policies on the 7-mode NetApp

shares0 4 13 6@8,12,16,20

profiles: 2 2 6@8,12,16,20


So first thing I had to do was create a new cron job definition for the times they wanted.

job schedule cron create bmh -hour 8,12,16,20 -minute 0


Next I had to create the snapshot policies

vol snapshot policy create -vserver BMH-Share-01 -policy 4w13d6h -enabled true -schedule1 weekly -count1 4  -schedule2 daily -count2 13  -schedule3 bmh -count3 6

vol snapshot policy create -vserver BMH-Share-01 -policy 2w2d6h -enabled true -schedule1 weekly -count1 2  -schedule2 daily -count2 2  -schedule3 bmh -count3 6


Then I had to apply them to the volumes. You can’t apply them until you have done your cutover and they are no longer TDP mirrors.

vol modify -vserver BMH-Share-01 -volume shares0 -snapshot-policy 4w13d6h

vol modify -vserver BMH-Share-01 -volume profiles -snapshot-policy 2w2d6h

BMHNetApp::> snapshot policy show
Vserver: BMH-Share-01
                         Number of Is
Policy Name              Schedules Enabled Comment
------------------------ --------- ------- ----------------------------------
2w2d6h                           3 true    -
    Schedule               Count     Prefix                 SnapMirror Label
    ---------------------- -----     ---------------------- -------------------
    weekly                     2     weekly                 -
    daily                      2     daily                  -
    bmh                        6     bmh                    -

4w13d6h                          3 true    -
    Schedule               Count     Prefix                 SnapMirror Label
    ---------------------- -----     ---------------------- -------------------
    weekly                     4     weekly                 -
    daily                     13     daily                  -
    bmh                        6     bmh                    -



NetApp | 7-Mode | CDOT

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